Damien: 6 Things You Need To Know Before Watching The Omen TV Follow-Up

1. There Were Strange Occurrences While The Omen Was Being Filmed

20th Century Fox
20th Century Fox

They call it The Curse Of The Omen, because supernatural occurrences was the only explanation for the misfortune the movie€™s production team experienced during filming.

Planes carrying cast and crew were struck by lightning, a hotel one of the executive producers was staying at was bombed by the IRA, an animal handler was mauled by a Rottweiler, and a special effects consultant was involved in a serious car crash in Holland that claimed the life of his assistant.

They say that when he scrambled from the wreckage, he looked up and saw a road sign that read €˜Ommen, 66.6km€™. How€™s that for an omen? This series of unfortunate events was chronicled in the 2005 documentary The Curse of The Omen.

Similar stories came out of the production of The Exorcist and Rosemary€™s Baby. Whether curses or coincidence is behind this is up for debate, but we should probably stop making films about Satan all the same.

Will you be watching Damien? Any other facts you feel are important going into it? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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