Daredevil: 10 Punisher Storylines For Season 2

5. Shadowland

Despite not being an especially fan-favourite arc, it looks like the 2010 crossover event €œShadowland€ is going to be a big part of Marvel's plans going forward. In the comics, Daredevil is seen in recent teaser images to be wearing a black costume not unlike the one he chose when he proclaimed himself ninja ruler of Hell's Kitchen. Backing up just a fraction, €œShadowland€ was a series which saw a load of Marvel's street-level characters being drawn into a conflict against a Matt Murdock who's gone a bit funny after a trip to Japan €“ which itself followed a series of unfortunate events which saw his secret identity revealed to the world, a trip to prison and a nervous breakdown. Amongst those street-level characters is The Punisher, who gets into it with Daredevil in a major way (not being particularly friendly with Matt means he doesn't hold back the way, say, Spider-Man does). The smart money is on €œShadowland€ forming the backbone of the upcoming Netflix Defenders crossover series, but elements could be used in Daredevil.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/