Before they went all-out mature readers with the MAX line, Marvel dipped their collective toe into more experimental waters with their Marvel Knights imprint. It was there that, amongst other things, Mark Millar told an out-of-continuity Spider-Man story, Daredevil got his groove back under Brian Michael Bendis, and The Punisher shone once more, too. All the characters beneath the Marvel Knights umbrella were formally introduced in a crossover miniseries of the same name, in which Daredevil and The Punisher were key players alongside Black Widow, Luke Cage (also to be part of the MCU as of Netflix's Jessica Jones), Moon Knight, teen hero Dagger and Shang-Chi, Master Of Kung Fu! The unnamed Marvel Knights squad is a superhero team formed by Daredevil, but a spectacularly dysfunctional one which frequently fights amongst itself or just plain doesn't get on. Again, Defenders is on the horizon, which will be Netflix's big street-level hero team-up. Seeing Matt try (and fail) before that, with The Punisher at his side, could work.
Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at