Daredevil: 10 Reasons Jon Bernthal Is Perfect For The Punisher

10. He's Better Than Any Previous Punishers

Frank Castle isn't a character who's been particularly well-served by live-action adaptations. There have so far been three official Punisher movies, each with a mostly-miscast lead character. The direct-to-video eighties film cast blonde-haired Swede Dolph Lundgren in the role, and he barely managed to conceal his accent or natural colour. It was a good fifteen years until The Punisher got another crack at show business thanks to that travesty, with Thomas Jane starring as Frank Castle, facing up against a thoroughly un-intimidating John Travolta as bad guy Howard Saint. Jane is a good actor, but he's a little too nice for The Punisher €“ he was more convincing in a later fan film he starred in. Barely anybody saw Ray Stevenson in 2008 reboot Punisher: War Zone, and although that was a fun slice of old-school action cinema, he wasn't particularly well cast. Jon Bernthal looks like the first proper chance to do The Punisher right on screen, between his acting chops, impressive resume and not being Dolph Lundgren.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/