Daredevil: 10 Reasons Jon Bernthal Is Perfect For The Punisher

8. The Man's Been Through A Lot

Admittedly, it's difficult to have had quite as rough a time of it as Frank Castle. After all, this is a man who managed to survive through the Vietnam War (recently updated to be the first Gulf War, but it's not like either were particularly good for the combatant's state of mind), only to see his family slaughtered before his very eyes in the middle of a gang war. Thankfully, Jon Bernthal has lead a considerably more charmed life than that, and it would be expecting a bit too much of even the most dedicated of method actors to go through a similar trauma to prepare for playing The Punisher. Still, Bernthal has apparently been through some scrapes €“ estimating that he's broken his nose 14 times over his life. In an interview with GQ, he was quick to explain that he didn't sustain his injuries from boxing, before saying that he €œcan't comment on€ the suggestion that he's €œbeen in fair share of bar fights€. That suggests a physicality and menace to Bernthal that's very much in the unhinged Frank Castle €“ and people love seeing Matt Murdock beat up, so.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/