Daredevil: 11 Most Fan-Pleasing Moments From Season 2

10. Claire And Matt's Rooftop Conversation

Part of what makes Matt Murdock so sympathetic as a character isn't his brilliant dress-sense or his skills as a lawyer, but his immensely flawed nature. Though not explicitly stated in the show (these things never tend to be), Murdock's grappling with depression is a key focal point of the character. To see that visually represented in this season particularly - with such dedication and sensitivity - was for this writer incredibly cathartic. Matt's tendency to push aside the people who care for him the most was placed front and centre this time around. More rudimentary interpretations would chalk this up to being a natural consequence of living a double life, but Murdock himself is synonymous with destructivity - both in the physical and mental sense. His efforts to redeem himself with Foggy and Karen are ultimately met with derision and chastisement, rather than the stern yet warm advice offered by the ever-wonderful Claire Temple before The Hand descend on Metro-General. Claire continues to be a highlight of Netflix's Marvel shows, providing a very real human and pragmatic voice that helps ground the show in the every day experiences of human life. Though Matt may not act on her advice immediately, his eventual decision to reveal his identity to Karen - something that would've been unthinkable episodes prior - signifies a key turning point for the character. Indeed, one that would appear to show a glimmer of hope for an embittered vigilante so unused to such a prospect.
Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.