Daredevil: 11 Most Fan-Pleasing Moments From Season 2

7. The Punisher's Entrance

Everything about Frank Castle's entrance into the Marvel Cinematic Universe was wonderful. Indeed, in many respects Jon Bernthal may have even stolen the show. I'm not as big a fan of The Punisher as others are, but, just as I was elated with Charlie Cox's debut as Matt Murdock last year, I'm positive Frank Castle's many admirers will have reacted with the same joyous chatter as Bernthal uttered his first line in combat with Hell's Kitchen's foremost vigilante: "Bang." The Walking Dead alumni tackles the role with a level of ferocity no other portrayals of Castle have dared enter. As he mercilessly shoots, stabs and beats his way to his targets, you really get a feel that this is a man unhinged from any sense of belonging. This Punisher is neither calm nor collected, but this only speaks volumes for his humanity - again, something intentionally juxtaposed with his sheer violent disposition to great emotional effect as the series progresses. Castle and Murdock's ideological and physical confrontation evolves over the course of 13 meticulously crafted episodes. The introduction to that conflict is flawless, and sets a fantastic precedent for subsequent screen-time featuring the two characters in the future. With that in mind, a Punisher TV spin-off certainly wouldn't go amiss. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kN59PQvvWQE
Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.