Daredevil: 11 Most Fan-Pleasing Moments From Season 2

5. Melvin Sports His Blades

Another character who got an increase (though not a considerable one) in screen time was Melvin Potter - the eventual unstable Gladiator of Daredevil's gallery of rogues. We may not quite be on our way to seeing Melvin pick up his blades in anger, but season 2 certainly ramped up the hints that his instability will become a growing presence in the near future. Netflix's interpretation of the devoted artisan of armour is one both refreshing and invigorating, showcasing a mutual if not tentative respect between Murdock and his unlikely ally. Indeed, Potter's willingness to assist Daredevil in his crime fighting escapades, in spite of threats of violence and potential imprisonment, cements him as being one of the show's most lovable and approachable protagonists. Well, that and the fact he equipped Matt with his trademark billy club. Seriously, that thing is awesome. I'm both looking forward to and bracing myself for Melvin's eventual downfall to rage and violence. No doubt it'll be an emotional character-arc, but for now, let's take solace in his many fantastic contributions to Matt's vigilantism thus far.
Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.