DC's Legends Of Tomorrow Season 4 Finale: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

4. The Monitor Is Scouting The Legends

Legends of Tomorrow The Monitor
The CW

The Monitor has had a pretty busy week, hasn't he? First, he showed up during Arrow's season finale to recruit Oliver Queen, before resurfacing in the finale of Supergirl to unleash J'onn Jonzz's evil twin on Earth-38 and, presumably, resurrect Lex Luthor. With Legends of Tomorrow being the final Arrowverse show to take its hiatus, it was only fitting that the showrunners use the opportunity to tease us with next year's Crisis with one more Monitor appearance.

That's right, as the Legends tried to get the audience to understand the importance of unity between humans and magical creatures, The Monitor watched in the shadows with his Book of Destiny and, as the whacky events continued to unfold, he rolled his eyes. He would then later reappear as he nibbled on popcorn and apparently enjoyed the show.

Being the complex being that he is, it's rather hard for us humans to make sense of his conflicting behaviour but, for the moment at least, it looks like he's still testing earths. Now that he's finally been to Earth-38, perhaps he thought that it was time to scout the remaining Earth-1 heroes, and what better way to do that than by starting with the ones absent from last year's Elseworlds crossover?


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.