DC's Stargirl Season 1 Review: 10 Ups & 2 Downs

2. Brec Bassinger's Performance

Stargirl Courtney Whitmore Brec Bassinger
DC Universe

Even with its great supporting cast, Stargirl's whole first season would have completely fallen apart had the lead not been up to scratch. There's no denying that Brec Bassinger looked the part, but would she be capable of making a character constantly relegated to supporting status in her few prior guest appearances on TV stand out? Thankfully, that was never even real a question.

The truth is that from the first moment we lay our eyes on Bassinger in the show's pilot episode, it's clear that she was born to play Courtney Whitmore. And that's only the beginning of what could very well be a career-defining performance for the young star as she effortlessly tackles every ambitious plot and character arc thrown her way.

There's a light about the way she plays Courtney that makes it impossible to really get mad at the character (no matter how many times the fledgling hero tests our patience). She's enthusiastic and full of energy, imbuing Stargirl with the very thing that makes it so darn enjoyable: Its heart.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.