DC's Stargirl Season 1 Review: 10 Ups & 2 Downs

1. A Few Too Many Cuts Late In The Game

DC's Stargirl
DC Universe/The CW

Being that Stargirl started off as a DC Universe original, there were essentially two versions of the first episodes: Full-length 50-minute cuts for its streaming home and edited 40-minute offerings for its broadcast on The CW.

However, as the series goes on, you'll notice that even the DC Universe versions have been trimmed to the typical 42-minute length. Now, this would be fine if the weekly installments were naturally this length but that doesn't seem likely as some of the later episodes don't flow quite as well.

Furthermore, more than a few cast members have pointed out on social media that certain scenes were cut from multiple episodes, so it does feel like the decision to permanently move the show to network television next season immediately impacted the length of the DC Universe iterations.

There's nothing wrong with a 40-minute episode of Stargirl. In fact, it will work much better in Season 2 when it's a unique CW series (because each episode will be written for broadcast, meaning that very little edits will have to be made). But this writer would be lying if he didn't say that some of the later streaming installments begin to feel like the doctored versions made for The CW.

Hardly a major issue, but one worth pointing out nonetheless.

Now, for the positives...

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.