DC's Titans Trailer Reaction: 2 Ups And 3 Downs


2. A (Possible) Step In The Right Direction

Titans Robin Raven Hug
Warner Bros.

Superhero fans are well aware of the differences between Marvel and DC on the big screen. While Marvel produces light-hearted and enjoyable adventures, DC often focuses on darker storylines, centering on their troubled characters. But they took things too far in the DCEU, with its grim, convoluted storylines struggling to keep viewers entertained.

On the other hand, they excelled on TV, with Arrow initially being dark yet engaging. But when the show became colourful and cheesy, the Arrowverse distanced itself from the dark product that it once was. And then when Marvel produced the complex and gritty Daredevil, we began asking questions about who actually did darkness better.

However, Titans could very well turn things around. Granted, the trailer was very gratuitous with its violence, but there was promise there promise to be the dark, consistent narrative that DC was once capable of producing (like the early seasons of Arrow).

Like some of DC's best live-action adaptations, the characters in Titans have demons that will be explored throughout the series and, although the trailer was a little too gritty, it never emitted that eternally grim vibe that we've come to expect from the DCEU. Moreover, it also steered clear from the incredibly bright approach associated with the Arrowverse these days.

So yes, this was a step in the right direction for DC. And if it focuses on getting the right balance between levity and darkness, then it shouldn't have to step too far in that direction.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.