Deadwood: Ranking 15 Cast Members Worst To Best

13. A.W. Merrick

Deadwood HBO

Merrick was Deadwood's resident man of knowledge. He ran the Black Hills Pioneer, the local newspaper and was a good and honest man. His cowardly presence gave way to a warm and gentle persona that allowed him to get on with many people in the camp including Seth Bullock and Al Swearegen.

Despite his lack of bravery, Merrick would fight for what's right which he proved when he stood up to George Hearst along with the rest of the camp. A decision that would earn him a beating from Hearst's men.

He was a peculiar individual, with his big words and positive demeanour. He stands out as the most polite character on the show, and in a show where everyone is foul mouthed and angry, his manners prove significant.


Opinionated pop-culture commentator who aspires to be a writer so people can opinionatedly comment on the pop-culture I put out.