Dexter: 10 Unresolved Plot Threads The Revival Must Address

7. What Became Of Dexter's Stepchildren?

Dexter Hannah McKay

This is a lingering plot thread which the show needed to address even before it ended. Rita, Dexter's wife, was killed by the Trinity Killer, and that left him with two stepchildren. They choose to move to Orlando with their grandparents, but by the end of season five are on good terms with Dexter (the nightmarish Aster even chooses to stay with him for the summer).

While Dexter claimed to love them as his own, they both vanished after a one-off season seven appearance, and weren't even mentioned after his apparent suicide.

While their story arc did reach its end to some extent, they're bound to have something to say both about the disappearance of their brother and the fact their stepfather is seemingly about to make his return. After all, it would be a little strange for this revival to keep Dexter in Oregon and not bring him back to Miami!

Both Aster and Cody must be adults by now, and it would be a real shame for them to be overlooked when fans have spent years wondering what came next for them.

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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.