Dexter: 10 Unresolved Plot Threads The Revival Must Address

5. What Became Of Dexter's "Friends" And Colleagues?

Dexter Hannah McKay

While it initially appeared as if Dexter was unable to care about anyone, he did create some friendships over the years and even started giving some thought to those around him. Angel Batista and Vince Masuka have to be somewhere near the top of that list, and with so much focus on the title character in the finale, it's unclear what became of them.

There have been hints that this revival will take place in a new location, but not returning to Miami would be a huge mistake and a real let-down for fans.

As time passed, these supporting characters became as integral to the series as Dexter himself, and viewers were every bit as invested in Batista's desire to own his own restaurant as they were the serial killer getting away with his crimes! So, how can the revival address their respective fates?

Well, Quinn became borderline obsessed with Dexter near the end, so perhaps he'll be the one who tracks him down. The way things wrapped up in the finale robbed fans of the chance to see what would happen if the title character were outed, so perhaps that can now be righted?

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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.