Dexter: 10 Unresolved Plot Threads The Revival Must Address

3. What Became Of Lumen?

Dexter Hannah McKay

With his wife dead, much of Dexter's fifth season revolved around the serial killer help a woman called Lumen Pierce. Helping her kill the men who had tortured her, he gained an apprentice of sorts, and also started falling for her. However, once she'd killed those who wronged her, Lumen no longer had a desire to continue killing.

This crushed Dexter at the time because, until meeting Hannah, this was his first chance to be himself with a woman and not hide his Dark Passenger.

While he ultimately moved on, there are a number of ways this plot thread could be addressed. Did Lumen really manage to move on from her murderous ways or was she attempted to continue down the path Dexter set her on? If so, it's possible she was caught...and in order to save herself from the death penalty revealed what her former lover was really up to behind the Miami PD's back!

This would be an interesting way to bring Dexter back, while also addressing what became of Lumen in the years that followed her partnership with the serial killer. She's a character many fans would like to see more of as well.

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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.