Although 'Dalek' shares a close resemblance with Alien, it's a great episode. It details the torn mentality of a Dalek who's becoming slightly more human, and the culmination that it would rather die than feel emotion is a fitting end to a slaughterous story. 'Cold War' is extremely similar; the claustrophobia, the beast killing its way through the corridors, the balance between morality and murder. But it ends in such a way, that you actually question if you've missed something. Despite being told that there are no other Ice Warriors for light-years around, a ship of them come to find Skaldak in the nick of time. They beam him up, just as the Doctor's about to blow up the Earth, and the day's saved. The TARDIS is revealed to have been relocated to the South Pole, which explains that mystery, but doesn't actually move the plot along, and the Doctor expects that he'll meet the Ice Warriors again one day. It all seems rather convenient, goes against what's been established for forty minutes, and doesn't exactly tie threads together. Still, if the Ice Warriors return next series, maybe we can have an explanation for the erratic ending of 'Cold War'.