Doctor Who: 10 Completely Bonkers Fan Theories (That Sound Totally True)

2. Silence Has Not Fallen... Yet

0 Header 11 The Name Of The Doctor
"On the fields of Trenzalore, at the fall of the Eleventh, when no living creature can speak falsely or fail to answer, a Question will be asked, a question that must never, ever be answered."
This was a fan theory, and one that seems to be playing out. The theory was that the prophecy wasn't answered in last season's The Name of the Doctor. Yes they were at Trenzalore, yes a question was asked and answered €“ but that wasn't it. It was just similar circumstances. The trailer for The Time of the Doctor seems to be suggesting that this idea was correct. The tag line of the episode is "Silence will fall", and the Doctor once again returned to Trenzalore €“ before it became a graveyard. The fall of the Eleventh suggests the regeneration, so it seems that at the Christmas special we'll get the answer to the prophecy. Personally, I think the answer will be the very first thing that the new Doctor will say. The answer won't be the Doctor's name or anything, but more of a statement. Remember when the 10th Doctor was trying to work out what type of man he was? I think the answer will be the 12th Doctor's mission statement €“ and we now know that a great part of that will be the return of the Time Lords. So really, what the Silence opposes is the return of the Time Lords.
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I'm a pop culture addict. Television, cinema, comics, games - you name it, and I've done it. Or at least read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.