Doctor Who: 10 Most Disturbing Storylines

7. The Dream Lord

The Idea: The evil side of the Doctor's psyche manifests as a nightmarish and psychopathic entity. There was a widespread, "...Oh" after Series 5 episode 'Amy's Choice'. An evil Dream Lord appears, making the Doctor and his companions choose between two worlds, taunting and bullying them throughout the episode. But it was all a dream. More than that, it was pollen. Let down, much? Well, actually, no, when you think about it. The fact that it was psychic pollen only makes the episode all that scarier. It was playing on the dark side of the Doctor, and the dark side of the Doctor is an arrogant, vindictive bully who revels in letting people die and rather creepily, wants to be alone with Amy. The monster of this episode was a side of the titular character, and perhaps the scariest thing, is that the Doctor recognised him, almost immediately; whilst traditionally, villains don't often realise what they've become before it's too late, the Doctor knows that this is someone he buries deep within himself. The Doctor is the hero of the show, and yet he hides a self-loathing villain: "No idea how you can be here, but there's only one person in the universe who hates me as much as you do." After watching this episode again, would you really feel that safe with him in the TARDIS?
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Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.