Doctor Who: 10 Most Disturbing Storylines

4. The Weeping Angels

The Idea: Sometimes they kill kindly, and sometimes, the Weeping Angels rip the cerebral cortex from you, as they did with Bob. Given that he still has a consciousness, he can remember and feel how painful his death was. The Weeping Angels are terrifying, obviously. And despite what the Doctor claims, there's nothing "nice" about the way they kill you. It might be preferable to dying, but to end up somewhere completely different in the past must be terrifying. Think about it, you wouldn't know where you are, you'd never be able to see your friends or family again, and there's a strong possibility that you'll die pretty soon after arriving wherever you are anyway; history is traditionally gruesome, and life expectancy gets worse the further back you go. If that wasn't enough, supervillain Steven Moffat only had to go and make the Angels scarier. In 'The Time of Angels', they didn't kill Bob nicely, they ripped his brain from his body, and he died alone and in pain. The worst thing of all, is that he remembered it. He was dead, but he had a voice and a consciousness, and he remembered dying in that horrible way. And then, just to crank things up a notch higher, the Angels zapped victims to a battery farm in 'The Angels Take Manhattan', where they made them live out their lives in the same bed, before dying alone. The Daleks might be the archetypal baddies of Doctor Who, but at least when they kill you, that's it. Well, unless you're Jack Harkness.
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Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.