Doctor Who: 10 Most Disturbing Storylines

5. Midnight

The Idea: On a bus in the middle of nowhere, a group of strangers band together to kill a man they fear. 'Midnight' is almost more like a play than a television episode. It's a masterful execution of cabin fever, and it provides one of the scariest monsters of the modern era, introducing an unknown entity that steals the voices of the passengers. But frankly, the real monsters of the piece are the people onboard the bus who all agree to kill the Doctor. It's said that humanity fears what it doesn't understand, and when they're presented with a person of extreme intelligence and unwavering kindness towards a potentially galaxy-conquering creature, they choose not to trust him, but to cast him out where he'll die. They're not even sure that this man is the monster, but they're getting rid of him just in case. When later facing the House of Calvierri, he declares, "This ends today. I will tear down the House of Calvierri, stone by stone. And you know why? You didn't know Isabella's name." The people in the bus didn't know the hostess's name either, the woman who sacrificed herself to save them. The Doctor asking what her name was only solidifies the human race as monsters; it's a wonder he loves us so much some days.
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Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.