Doctor Who: 10 Epic Matt Smith Moments Peter Capaldi Won't Top

10. Basically, Run

In his first episode, Matt Smith had to deal with the Atraxi, the galactic space police ready to destroy the world in an attempt to stop Prisoner Zero escaping their grasp. Still clad in the pin-striped suit of Tennant's Doctor, he saved the day by foiling Prisoner Zero's disguise and unveiling him to the cops. But he was so offended that the Atraxi would contemplate blowing up the planet that he called them back, and turned the already entertaining Eleventh Hour into the best debut in Who history. Hold your horses, though, because you can't save the day without looking the part. As the score kicks in and Smith gets his stroll on, he rummages through a series of lockers until he finds some half-decent threads. After donning his trademark tweed coat and cool bow tie, he bombarded the Atraxi with questions, forcing them to research his great history, before uttering those two simple words: "Basically, run." Tennant saved the world with a sword, but Smith needed only a sentence.

Mike Revell is the author of STONEBIRD (Quercus, 2015), and is an award-winning journalist. He has written for the Mirror and NFL UK. He lives near Cambridge, and has an unhealthy obsession with American football, Doctor Who, and Game of Thrones.