Doctor Who: 10 Episodes That Could Have Happened

8. 'The Doctor's Wife': Neil Gaiman's Cut

Doctors Wife It's one of the most revered episodes of the revived series, but Neil Gaiman's 'The Doctor's Wife' nearly ended up in Series 5, Rory-less and replacing the Corden-assisted 'The Lodger'. Yes, Series 5 could've boasted both Neil Gaiman and Richard Curtis on the writing credits. But there are other differences between the version of 'The Doctor's Wife' that aired, and the one that Gaiman had planned. The Ood wasn't supposed to be an Ood at all, but budget dictated that an original design would be too costly; likewise, the idea of the TARDIS graveyard looking like old washing machines and pianoes - because dead TARDISes don't look like TARDISes if they still have chameleon circuits - was also cut. Luckily, a scene at the beginning on the Planet of the Rain Gods was reimagined with River for a minisode, but unfortunately, Gaiman lost a lovely scene of Amy and the Doctor sampling the cuisine on House:

AMY Is it something people can eat? (to Doctor) Shouldn't you scan it with your screwdriver or something?

THE DOCTOR Why would I scan food with my screwdriver?

AMY See if it's safe?

The Doctor leans over, dips his finger into his bowl, tastes it.

THE DOCTOR Some unusual trace elements, smidge too much background radiation, but, yeah, very yummy.

Amy is about to try some of his food... he stops her.

THE DOCTOR (cont'd) No. Don't put it in your mouth.

AMY Not for humans?

THE DOCTOR Not for you. Tastes like Marmite on socks.


Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.