Doctor Who: 10 Episodes That Could Have Happened

7. The Stephen Fry Script

If there's one thing more British than Doctor Who, it's Stephen Fry: he's so British, he probably sleeps in a teacup. And believe it or not, the QI host himself nearly penned a script for the second series of the greatest sci-fi show ever. Originally going to be set in the 1920s, Fry's script even made a read-through with the team, but was abandoned due to, you guessed, the budget. 'Fear Her' took its place, and unfortunately, Stephen didn't have the time to rewrite the script from Rose to Martha for Series 3. "They asked me to do a series and I tried, but I just ran out of time," he later said, "So I wrote a pathetic letter of "I'm sorry I can't do this" to Davies." The mind boggles at what Fry would've done with the Doctor: how would Tennant react to the Roaring Twenties? What kind of alien threat would Fry have created? Would he have cameoed? Or would he have brought in good friend and fellow Doctor, Hugh "House" Laurie for an appearance? One thing's for certain: it would have been fantastic fun.

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.