Doctor Who: 10 Incredible Early Designs Of Your Favourite Monsters

8. The Empress Of Racnoss Was Meant To Look Like A Bride

EmpressThe Creature You Know: Christmas Day has become a dreaded event for Whovians. Sometimes you€™ll get lucky (The Snowman, The Christmas Invasion) and the highly watched Christmas special will be something interesting, but for the most part it panders down to those not au fait with the show so drunk relatives don€™t spend an hour confused (The Doctor, The Widow And The Wardrobe, The End Of Time). The Runaway Bride was somewhere in the middle, the impressive Empress Of The Racnoss€™ cool origin offsetting Catherine Tate€™s screaming Donna. The Early Design You Don€™t: While the Racnoss ship being central to the Earth€™s creation led to a cool villain plot, the design of the big spider herself was pretty generic. The biggest costume ever made for the show, it originally was going to tie much more into the wedding theme of the episode. Instead of a massive crown, the Empress was intended to have something closer to a genetic tiara, with lace webbing covering her face. According to concept artist Peter McKinstry intended to invoke Miss Havisham, it would have worked as a great parallel to the wedding dressed Donna and made the villain, not just her motives, memorable.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.