Doctor Who: 10 Moments When The Fans Were Represented In The Show
10. Osgood
Not all Doctor Who fans dress up, but those that don the Tom Baker scarf are certainly easier to recognise. Osgood's scarf wasn't just a nice reference to the Fourth Doctor, her whole character - starstruck in the presence of the Doctor yet knowing that he would eventually save her - was a tribute to all the Whovians who would feel exactly the same safety and awe towards their favourite character. It's rather similar to the character of Malcolm, a fellow UNIT scientist who appeared in 'Planet of the Dead'; he spoke to the Doctor as if he was his hero, and just had to meet him at the end of the episode to hug him. Rather like Moffat and Davies, these are characters that have been inspired to get into their field of work because of the Doctor. Only in that world, he's not the greatest British television character ever, but a superhero with a legend that precedes him. Lorna Bucket only became a soldier because she wanted to meet him; there's a huge parallel between characters like that, and the real-life fans who grow up to write the show.