Doctor Who: 10 Monsters That Should Come Back In Series 9

2. Davros

So we had a renegade Time Lord and a Gallifreyan god in the past couple of points, how about the creator of the Doctor€™s worst enemy? We are of course talking about Davros. Originally the head of the Kaled Scietific Elite on Skaro, Davros is of course better known for being the creator of the Daleks. He has since led the entire Dalek race as Emperor during the Imperial-Renegade Dalek Civil War although his relationship with his creations has always been a tense one. Having said that, we last saw him six years ago in Journey€™s End, where he had actually helped to re-create his monsters, sacrificing most of his physical form in the process. Now, Davros€™ fate wasn€™t exactly clear at the end of Journey€™s End. While the Crucible was burning and collapsing, it is entirely plausible that he escaped, possibly even alongside Dalek Caan. If he were to have escaped, that means there is a psychopathic villain out there looking for revenge on the Doctor, probably designing a plot that is both atrocious and destructive to destroy his old enemy. More than that, the Daleks are in need of a decent story and Davros could provide the bases for one, while he would prove interesting intellectual foil for the dark and brooding Twelfth Doctor.
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