Doctor Who: 10 Monsters That Should Come Back In Series 9

10. Eight Legs

It seems that everyone is scared of spiders these days, and given that every summer a hysteria over spiders seems to sweep the UK, it€™s ample time for Eight Legs to reappear and tap into that fear. We first came across the creepy inhabitants of Metebelis III back in John Pertwee€™s finale episode Planet of the Spiders. In that six-part event, we learned that these spiders rely on human mounts for transport and turn themselves invisible while riding on a humans back. They communicate through telepathy, discharge psychic energy and can mind control humans, with the Eighth Doctor saying that they were one of the most highly developed species in psychic power. Disgustingly these villains also love to feed on the flesh of living creatures, naturally preferring human meat. They are also led by an insane leader, referred to as The Great One, whose hysterics and maniacal ramblings would be sure to send even the most battle hardened of modern day audiences into hiding behind the couch. Given their relationship with the Doctor, who of course defeated them a few times and destroyed The Great One, a revenge story would be absolutely delicious and easy to bring about considering these evil arachnids can travel through time and space as well.
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