Doctor Who: 10 Questions Raised By Deep Breath

10. Why Was Mancini's A Family Restaurant?

This is far from a plot heavy question but still a lingering one all the same. Through a newspaper advert (which we€™ll get to later), the Doctor and Clara are drawn to a restaurant named Mancini€™s that is used as a front for an organ farm and populated entirely by Clockwork Droids. Mancini€™s is advertised as a family restaurant and the Restaurant Droid confirms that yes they do have a children€™s menu. Assuming this wasn€™t some kind of Bond villain-esque quip before sending the Doctor and Clara to their deaths (the Clockwork Droids aren€™t exactly masters of flamboyant villainy), we have to assume that the Clockwork Droids were after children€™s body parts as well as adults€™. Why else would you set a trap in a family restaurant? A spin-off question from this is: since all of the droids are adult sized, just what would they be doing with children€™s body parts? Unless adult parts were mainly reserved for the Half-Face Man, and the ship and the balloon were made from children. After all, if you needed a very specific engine part then you€™d have to get the size right. Which gives the trope €œPowered by a forsaken child€ an entirely new and horrifying meaning. And on that nightmare-inducing thought, it€™s best that we move on...
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JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.