Doctor Who: 10 Questions Raised By Deep Breath

9. What Is Clara's Relationship With Courtney?

For those who have been religiously following filming updates, the cameo of the Eleventh Doctor was no surprise. But one that was unexpected was the early appearance of Courtney Pink (set to have a key role in Episodes 6 and 7) in Clara€™s flashback as an incredibly troublesome student that managed to bring down Clara on her first day as a teacher. And since Courtney will be appearing in at least two more episodes, her being incredibly belligerent towards Clara in the flashback begs the question of just what their relationship will be. Right from the off she seems to have the bratty teenage daughter attitude of Angie Maitland (Series 7) but (unlike Angie) doesn€™t seem to have any respect for Clara. Which is likely to tie in to Clara having a relationship with her brother Danny. Although the purpose of the flashback was to give Clara the mental ammunition to outsmart the Half-Face Man, it foreshadows her relationship with Courtney at the same time. So it looks like Clara and Courtney will have an incredibly strained relationship at first that will either be greatly improved or by made worse by the adventures with the Doctor they will share together.
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Doctor Who
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JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.