Doctor Who: 10 Questions Raised By Deep Breath

7. Is The Doctor's Memory Failing Him?

The idea of Doctor not being able to remember certain adventures was initially used at the end of The Snowmen (2012) and again in The Day Of The Doctor (2013), with the reveal that he had forgotten how many children died on Gallifrey at the end of the Time War. And now his lack of memories has cropped again with him having absolutely no recollection of the events of The Girl In The Fireplace (2006) despite how close he was to Madame De Pompadour. The Doctor never quite working out where he remembers the Clockwork Droids from has a basis in logic as he is over 2,000 years old and that single adventure was from when he was only 902. But also, his memory starting to go is a not unreasonable thing to happen to him (especially after a Regeneration) and also works a plot point. Not remembering bits of his past could be the new €œIt doesn€™t work on wood€. Something to stop him solving every crisis he faces at the drop of a hat. But could it be pointing to something further? What if (in another case of Steven Moffat slipping something less noticeable into an episode that turns out to be important), the Doctor€™s failing memory somehow ties into the wider story arc and will finally be brought up later? Hidden plot point or logical observation? Probably the latter but nothing€™s impossible as far as Doctor Who€™s concerned.

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JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.