Doctor Who: 10 Questions Raised By Deep Breath

6. Why That Face?

"Look at this face. It€™s covered in lines. But I didn€™t do the frowning. Who frowned me this face?"

Who indeed? Caecilius? John Frobisher? While Steven Moffat has gone on record as saying that the origin of the Doctor€™s already-seen face would only be touched on very lightly because it€™s not important, it€™s still a question that bears thinking about. If the Scottish accent came from his thinking about Amy in his final moments (an unconfirmed theory but not too outlandish), then what else was the Eleventh Doctor thinking at the time he Regenerated? The Twelfth Doctor says that he€™s trying to make a point to himself with the new face but the effects of the Regeneration and the sheer amount of memories in his head after 2,000 years means he can€™t put his finger on it. Does he know about the 456 incident (Torchwood Children Of Earth) and is feeling guilt for not stopping it? Or maybe it€™s something broader like trying to tell himself to grow up a bit from his last incarnation. But whatever the answer is, we€™ll probably never know since Steven Moffat just doesn€™t think Peter Capaldi playing more than one role is something to focus on too much.
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JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.