Doctor Who: 10 Questions Raised By Deep Breath

4. Did The Half-Face Man Jump?

BBCBBCTo borrow a quote from the Eleventh Doctor €œFellas, you€™re never gonna stop asking€. Unless it becomes plot relevant later in the series (which is certainly a possibility), it€™s likely that we€™ll never find out the answer to this one. It€™s still early days for the Twelfth Doctor, and the ambiguity€™s an important part of his personality so that there can still be surprises from him later. But to work out an answer, what you have to ask is €œWhose programming would break down first: the Half-Face Man€™s or the Doctor€™s?€. Suicide is against the Half-Face Man€™s programming but murder is just as much against the Doctor€™s. You could debate this until the cows come home (and forums will most likely be full of it for a while) but to us, it seems most likely that the Doctor pushed him. The Doctor says that one of them is lying about their basic programming and what€™s Rule One? The Doctor always lies. Also, when it comes to the final confrontation, it€™s the Doctor who makes all the first moves. The Half-Face Man doesn€™t initiate a fight to the death or state the likelihood of him killing. It€™s all down to the Doctor. And when you look at the Doctor€™s reaction to the Half-Face Man being impaled on the Elizabeth Tower; it€™s not one of sadness at a life lost or one that says €œWell at least that€™s done€. It€™s one of anger, and a very dark and murder-y look.
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JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.