Doctor Who: 10 Reasons Professor Brian Cox Would Make An Amazing 13th Doctor

5. He Could Explain Anti-Matter Universes Quite Easily

doc who timelord Anyone who's seen ' The Three Doctors' and wondered how the devil the Second's recorder could have possibly stopped Omega willing himself into existence in the physical universe would be in for a bit of a treat if the Thirteenth locked horns with the matter again. In principle it's a pocket universe dwelling within a black hole, which existed by the sheer force of Omega's will alone, and he wasn't happy at having to mentally conjure himself up some friends if he'd wanted to make the effort. It could all be so different if the Prof paid a visit, potentially accompanied by a parallel universe's First Doctor taking the form of the late great Sir Patrick Moore owing to some wibbly-wobbly sciencey-wiencey business. How the great astronomer would have fared had he taken on William Hartnell's role will sadly never be answered unless I or a similarly minded scribe commit it to paper, though- pretty please, WhatCulture! Lords. But its a fascinating prospect, the two of them determining the theory behind it, putting it into layman's terms for us in the audience to understand, and then ensuring Omega will only ever be a part of Gallifreyan folklore by persuading him to touch Patrick's monocle, which will of course be buzzing with energy from ' our' universe, rounded off with a performance of the ' Who' theme featuring the great man on xylophone and his older self on keyboards. It's a dream, but one those of us of a certain age no doubt share.

Journalist, musician, sports fan, citizen of the universe and a gentleman to boot!