Doctor Who: 10 Reasons Professor Brian Cox Would Make An Amazing 13th Doctor

6. He's Already Met A Past Self

The Science Of Doctor Who 'The Science Of Doctor Who' was notable for many things, but surely Steven Moffatt will have noticed the easy camaraderie between the good Professor and outgoing Eleventh Doctor, and the lure of a special featuring the two of them could prove too great to resist if Matt Smith's game. And we're pretty sure he would be, as Eleven showed little surprise at just how easy Brian was able to slot into his world even if it was just for an hour or two. For his part the amiable physicist looked utterly spellbound by it all- perhaps in vague recognition that the place looked familiar even if he didn't necessarily know why. Just imagine the moment he set foot in his Thirteenth self's TARDIS. With ' you've redecorated, haven't you?' as his past incarnation's first question, Thirteen's poised for ' I don't like it' to follow and is preparing a counter-argument only to be flabbergasted when an about-turn occurs. ' I LOVE it!' cries Eleven, and they have a man-hug and talk science. Possibly they try and outdo each other with stories of all the great Earth biologists ( a nice nod to ' Wonders Of Life)', chemists & physicists of history they've met in past adventures, but fundamentally they like each other and we get a great big classic romp. Lovely stuff.

Journalist, musician, sports fan, citizen of the universe and a gentleman to boot!