Doctor Who: 10 Reasons Reece Shearsmith Should Appear In Future Second Doctor Adventures

9. The New Power Of The Daleks

Doctor Who The Power Of The Daleks Having made the switch from First to Second and with Troughton's first full episode as the Doctor mostly missing €“ though it should be noted that at least one episode survives intact on YouTube €“ logic dictates that 'The Power Of The Daleks' could be tweaked a little. Plus there's great scope for a brief cameo by David Bradley as the First Doctor in the mirror at the moment the Second decides to have a look at his new face in a nod to Bill Hartnell's similar appearance in the original episode. Having cast Mr Shearsmith, it would then make sense to give full reign to his comic potential. After all, if he's going to play the man his predecessor would later savagely dub a clown, he might as well start as he means to go on. Where better to start than his rummage through some old things? It could give Reece the chance to really ham it up, though not to League Of Gentlemen levels €“ perhaps mercifully. And then there's the business of the Second's trusty recorder. Given no less than fifteen airings over the course of the three year Troughtonian Period, even more could be made of it in Shearsmith's hands. While a small nod to an endearing quirk, it could make all the difference and ease him into the difficult process of dusting off a much loved Doctor, acclaimed as a favourite by no less than Peter Davison, Colin Baker and the aforementioned Matt Smith. Fans in high places indeed.

Journalist, musician, sports fan, citizen of the universe and a gentleman to boot!