8. Paul McGann Returns
Despite having only one on camera appearance Mcgann's Eighth Doctor's slew of Big Finish Audio Adventures makes him the longest tenured actor to hold the title role. An appearance by the 8th Doctor has been demanded by fans for years and unlike Christopher Eccleston, McGann is eager to reprise his role before the cameras. Sadly, McGann claims that he hasn't been asked to appear but considering the first rule of Doctor Who, "The Doctor lies," might the dreams of fans be on the brink of becoming a reality? With his death and regeneration never portrayed, tons of questions surround this Doctor. How did he die? Was he the Doctor that fought in the Time War and used to moment to destroy his race and end the conflict with the Daleks? The Big Finish Audio Adventures have recently seen the 8th Doctor face the death of a companion and the alteration of his costume to a darker more Eccleston like wardrobe. The damaged, darker 8th Doctor would be a shock to those who only know him from the TV movie but his return would not only answer questions but be very satisfying to fans.