Doctor Who: 10 Scenes That Had Us In Tears

4. Rose Gets Left Behind

This scene is one of the most talked about tearjerkers in the show's history and is an obvious choice but gut-wrenching nonetheless. During a Dalek/Cybermen invasion, Rose gets trapped in an alternate dimension and finds out that, as a result, she can never see the Doctor again. While the initial separation of the Doctor and Rose is incredibly sad, it's the scene where the Doctor burns up a sun to say goodbye to Rose that proves the most depressing part of the episode. When the TARDIS materializes on the world's most depressing beach, we have a bit of hope. Surely the Doctor can find a way to bring Rose back, right? No, the Doctor can't. Rose is stuck in a parallel world and in the final moments he has the Doctor starts respond to Rose's "I love you" with "And I suppose... if it's my last chance to say it... Rose Tyler..." before finding himself back in the TARDIS without the chance to finish that sentence. That sentence haunts Whovians everywhere and so does this scene.
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I'm a journalist with more than five years of experience writing for newspapers and I'm a graduate of University of California, Berkeley. I graduated in December 2012 with a B.A. in English Literature. I have previously written for Bloomberg Businessweek online, the Coalinga, California Coalinga Recorder newspaper and the UC Berkeley Daily Californian. I currently live in Central California