Doctor Who: 10 Scenes That Had Us In Tears

2. Donna's Memory Wipe

I have friends who threaten to stab me with a fork if I even mention this scene in their presence. The episode called "Journey's End" is not to be mentioned near them. After a convoluted series of events, Donna finds herself with the totality of the Doctor's knowledge. Since her mind can't handle the knowledge and memories of a Time Lord, the Doctor is forced to wipe her memory. Not only can Donna now no longer remember anything that had come from the Doctor's knowledge, she also can't remember the Doctor or any of their adventures together. It is possibly the single saddest way a companion has departed in the new series. The companions, after all, are as changed by the Doctor as the Doctor is changed by them. To think that Donna, who had learned so much about how important and wonderful she could be in her travels with the Doctor, no longer had that knowledge is appalling. While we learn that Donna ends up with a happy life, it is still one of the most devastating moments in the entire series.
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I'm a journalist with more than five years of experience writing for newspapers and I'm a graduate of University of California, Berkeley. I graduated in December 2012 with a B.A. in English Literature. I have previously written for Bloomberg Businessweek online, the Coalinga, California Coalinga Recorder newspaper and the UC Berkeley Daily Californian. I currently live in Central California