Doctor Who: 10 Steps To Falling In Love With Peter Capaldi

1. Head Over Heels

By the end of the series it is clear that Peter Capaldi is absolutely the Doctor. He, more than almost any other actor, is able to incorporate not just his own personality but those of previous incarnations. Some see Tom Baker and his manic, wild eyed, easily-distracted Time Lord. Others see John Pertwee and his dapper, thoughtful, occasionally pugilistic style. He even goes so far as to have a conversation with himself that appears to be between previous regenerations. Whatever way or for whatever reasons the audience falls for Peter Capaldi€™s Doctor, and some will have come to that realisation quicker than others, it is the case that the love now felt for his Doctor is real and lasting. More than any other Doctor is the new era we love him, not for who we want him to be, but for who he is. At the end of the season we are left wanting more and looking forward more than ever to the Christmas special. Will he and Clara ever learn to be honest with each other? Will they reconcile properly? Will Clara get over Danny€™s death? Is this the end for Danny, bearing in mind we've met Orson Pink? There are many questions left unanswered, but whether we love Peter Capaldi as the Doctor is definitely not one of them. What are your thoughts on the Twelfth Doctor? Discuss all things Capaldi in the comments below.
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I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.