Doctor Who: 10 Tantalising Time War Teasers

2. €˜The War Turned Into Hell!€™ €“ The End Of Time (Part 2)

Doctor Who The End Of Time Part 2 Another tantalising piece of groundwork laid by Davies in his final episode was Ten's list of the horrors of the Time War that the Master was in danger of bringing back: 'You weren't there. In the final days of the war. You never saw what was born. But if the time lock's broken then everything is coming through. Not just the Daleks, but the Skaro Degradations. The Horde of Travesties. The Nightmare Child. The Could-Have-Been King with his army of Meanwhiles and Neverweres. The war turned into hell! And that's what you've opened. Right above the Earth. Hell is descending.'' The exact nature of these teases remain mysteries to viewers, but the tone of horror set by this eerie list of evil things further developed viewer intrigue about the Time War. The hints of things that shouldn't exist through terms like 'could have been,' 'neverweres' and 'travesties' seems to suggest that new, bastardised species and beings that shouldn't exist in our world were being created through the Time War's catastrophic effects/ We know from Series 6 that it is possible to 'cook yourself a Time Lord' through a child conceived in the TARDIS, and programme them into a murdering psychopath. Will techniques likes this be used by the deranged Time Lords in the special, or will we see new-found horrors created through simply too much meddling? Perhaps in an attempt to end the war, Rassilon built new soldiers using TARDIS energy and programmed them to murder and fight. One hopes that answers and pay-offs for these brilliant ambiguous teases will appear in the 75 minute special airing this Saturday.
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