Doctor Who: 10 Tantalising Time War Teasers

6. €œI Thought That Was Just A Legend€ €“ The Parting Of The Ways

Doctor Who Parting Of The Ways This short exchange in the Series 1 finale episode €˜The Parting of the Ways€™ helps add some real perspective to the Time War. €˜They went off to fight a bigger war. The Time War€™ the Doctor tells Jack when he queries how the Daleks €˜vanished out of time and space.€™ €˜ I thought that was just a legend€™ responds Jack, revealing to viewers the public perception of the war from the point of view of another time-traveller. Davies treated viewers to even more explanation from the Doctor before moving on with the episode. €˜ I was there€™ the Doctor confirmed. €˜The war between the Daleks and the Time Lords €“ with the whole of creation at stake. My people were destroyed, but they took the Daleks with them. I almost thought it was worth it. Now it turns out they died for nothing.€™ It€™s interesting to consider how Tennant and Smith€™s Doctors will react to being thrust back into the Time War setting, considering they know how many Daleks escaped €“ will they try and convince Hurt€™s War Doctor to stop? Or do they think the Time Lords are the bigger threat who must be stopped no matter what the cost? This brings us to our next point.
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