Doctor Who: 10 Tantalising Time War Teasers

5. €œThe Doctor Still Possesses The Moment€ €“ The End Of Time (Part 1)

Doctor Who The End Of Time Tennant's final episode The End of Time saw his Doctor face off against the now-evil Time Lords, and while the episode is full of references to the Time War, this one is particularly interesting. 'The Doctor still possesses the Moment, and he will use it to destroy Daleks and Time Lords alike' reveal the group of evil Time Lords who seek to escape the war and destroy time itself. Looking at the trailer, John Hurt's War Doctor, accompanied (somehow) by Billie Piper's Rose Tyler, will be the one with his finger on the big red double genocide button fans currently assume is codenamed The Moment. Davies will be glad that his ambiguous tease 'the Moment' will come to fruition on the 23rd November. But will 'the Moment' be more than a codename for a big multi-planetary destroying bomb or a description of some new futuristic time weaponry developed by Time Lords? If it was the latter, imagine the jaw-dropping special-effects scenes which could be involved by erasing the Daleks and Time Lords from time in the middle of war zone carnage.
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Film & TV journo. Quite tall.