Doctor Who: 10 Tantalising Time War Teasers

4. €œFear Me, I€™ve Killed All Of Them€ €“ The Doctor's Wife

Doctor Who The Doctors Wife Neil Gaiman's glorious debut Who story 'The Doctor's Wife' is famous for bringing the TARDIS to life and quickly became a fan favourite. Yet within that admittedly charming plot, there is a great moment of dialogue which reveals the dark undertones in Matt Smith's incarnation of the Doctor, still affected by the Time War underneath all his quirks. 'Fear me, I've killed hundreds of Time Lords' boasts House, episode's villain. 'Fear me, I've killed all of them' sneers 11 in retort. This conversation offers further confirmation that the Doctor did indeed kill all of his kind, and it's also one of the few times we see the Doctor admit this out loud. He killed them all, and that's canon. There is no way Moffat can make a way to write that out to save face for the ultimate good guy, the Doctor. In this scene we see how this burdens the Doctor €“ he was so excited to think the Corsair, one of the friendly Time Lords, somehow survived, and so angry to find that he had been deceived by House. The Doctor's dogged determination to follow the Corsair's distress signal is described by Amy as the Doctor's way of seeking forgiveness, but it's quickly and dramatically snuffed out during the episode. Will the 50th show some catharsis for the forgiveness-seeking Doctor? Perhaps we will see Ten and Eleven assuring Hurt that it is the right thing to do after many years of struggling to come to terms with it.
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