Doctor Who: 10 Things Karen Gillan Has Done Since Leaving

8. She Made Her Film Debut

Before moving to LA, Karen managed to squeeze in her debut feature film when she landed the starring role in Not Another Happy Ending, a charming romantic comedy directed by John McKay, who she had previously worked with on the 2012 TV movie We'll Take Manhattan. Filmed on location in Glasgow in July 2012, Karen played eccentric writer Jane Lockhart in the indie crowd funded project, but it wasn't all plain sailing for the successful author when her new found happiness resulted in a serious bout of writers block. Her struggling publisher, as played by French actor Stanley Weber, set out on a personal mission to unblock her, but in true rom-com style, the worse he made her feel, the more he fell in love with her, and... well, you can probably guess what happened next, can't you? The film received a limited cinema release in the UK in the summer of 2013 and was generally well received by critics, with many praising Karen for her seamless transition from television to film. Tumblr Mnl4f3z0cb1s0fchvo1 500 Gif Not Another Happy Ending is available to buy on DVD, and also streams on Netflix in the UK.
Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via