Doctor Who: 10 Timey-Wimey Episodes (Written By Steven Moffat)

9. The Angels Take Manhattan

The poor Ponds most probably had the timey-wimeyiest time in the TARDIS of all of the Doctor's companions so its fitting that their final adventure materialises onto this list. In modern-day New York, the TARDIS trio are broken up when Rory goes missing €“ only to reappear in the pages of the Doctor's book, a pulp detective novel from the 1930s. Realising that the book is a document of the adventure they are about to have, the Doctor and Amy travel to 30s New York and discover Rory, River Song and a fiendish plot from the Weeping Angels to enslave the city. Having peeked at the end €“ spoilers! €“ it seems Amy and Rory are about to die. Because time can't be changed once its been written in stone... Angels is a cracking mix of the film noir and the series finale-type feel plus an ingenious use of time travel €“ what if the Doctor had a book about one of his adventures? How much could he read? How much would he want to read...? If Angels itself was a book it'd be a sure page-turner!

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