Doctor Who: 12 Fanboy Complaints That Need To Die

10. Doctor Who Has Become Too Complicated/Doctor Who Is Too Simple

There's just no pleasing some people. The arc has taken over the show, fans complained about series six - there's no depth to the show anymore, fans complained about the stand-alone episodes of series seven. So what do fans want? Before you accuse me of basking in my love of Moffat's storytelling and refusing to hear criticism, hear me out: Steven Moffat has demonstrated time and time again that he has the skill to play with time travel and non-linear storytelling in much greater depth that Russell T Davies ever did, but there have been issues. While the arc story lines of series six were a high point, the stand alone episodes suffered - particularly where Amy and Rory 'forgetting' that their child had been kidnapped - and some stories in series seven felt rushed. The show missed the great cliff hangers that only multiple-episode stories can bring, and it's no accident that series five felt like Moffat's best, as it was the perfect blend of arc and stand alone. It probably depends on whether you felt Time Of The Doctor resolved the Eleventh Doctor's story line satisfactory, in order to judge the success of the plot begun way back in The Eleventh Hour - I felt it did; there were only a few minor stumbles along the way. The movie-themes of series seven were a breath of fresh air too, embracing the change that Doctor Who does so well. It will be a different show again when it returns to our screens later this year, and that's a good thing; story arcs and stand-alone stories... we need it all.

A writer for Whatculture since May 2013, I also write for and am the TV editor and writer for . I wrote two plays for the Greater Manchester Horror Fringe in 2013, the first an adaption of Simon Clark's 'Swallowing A Dirty Seed' and my own original sci-fi horror play 'Centurion', which had an 8/10* review from Starburst magazine! ( I also wrote an episode for online comedy series Supermarket Matters in 2012. I aim to achieve my goal for writing for television (and get my novels published) but in the meantime I'll continue to write about those TV shows I love! Follow me on Twitter @BazGreenland and like my Facebook page