Doctor Who: 12 Qualities To Make The 12th Doctor Awesome

4. Chew On Meaty Scenes

Torchwood Peter Capaldi We can€™t place everything on Capaldi, his shoulders will only take so much, and he€™s a slender chap. Moffat and the writing team need to deliver Peter some meaty scenes to emote his way through. Think Eccleston in Dalek, Tennant in Human Nature/Family Of Blood and Smith in The Doctor€™s Wife. If we€™re to care about the Twelfth Doctor, then he needs to face, to put it mildly, some serious s**t. We know Capaldi is an accomplished and capable actor, so the possibilities here are endless. Apparently the 50th anniversary will send the series into €˜chapter 2€™ of the Doctor€™s journey, so I€™m personally expecting some huge and interesting things coming for Twelve and Clara.

Steven feels like a sociopath writing a bio about himself in third person, but it feels kind of nice, and he's sure he'll get used to it.