Doctor Who: 12 Qualities To Make The 12th Doctor Awesome

5. Pick Up Another Companion

Doctor Who Doctor Amy Steven Moffat has often said that he likes a bigger TARDIS team, as much of the Peter Davison era featured more than one companion travelling with Five, and with the success of Eleven/Amy/Rory, having a new companion joining Twelve and Clara will mix up the dynamic and offer different avenues to explore. I€™m almost certain we€™ll be seeing someone new join the team, and if it€™s a male character who happens to fancy the pants off Clara (who could blame him?) we may finally be free of the sexual tension between the Doctor and companion, of which I€™ll come to later. With a bigger TARDIS crew, it also feels cosy, like a big time-travelling family. With good support around the Twelfth Doctor, and a variety of companions during his tenure (Coleman could well be leaving after series 8), we could be seeing lots of different sides to this Doctor.

Steven feels like a sociopath writing a bio about himself in third person, but it feels kind of nice, and he's sure he'll get used to it.