Doctor Who: 12 Qualities To Make The 12th Doctor Awesome

10. Keep The Scottish Accent

Mccoy Before Doctor Who returned in 2005, every Doctor, bar Sylvester McCoy€™s Scottish incarnation, spoke with received pronunciation, as everyone would have switched off their telly at the time if a Liverpudlian Time Lord appeared on their screens (even though they did in the form of Tom Baker and Paul McGann, but ssh, don€™t tell them.) Eccleston, being the utter maverick he is, kept it Northern and stated the obvious that every planet has a North. Tennant ditched his own Scottish-ness for a Micky Flanagan-inspired cockney twang, and Smith... he€™s a bit posh, isn€™t it?  Steven Moffat has stated that Capaldi is likely to keep his own Scottish accent, which could alienate over-seas viewers or bring everyone together and rejoice in his soothing pronunciations of the English language. Time will tell.

Steven feels like a sociopath writing a bio about himself in third person, but it feels kind of nice, and he's sure he'll get used to it.